Saturday, May 17, 2008

U2's very first video. Sweet

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

General Public - Tenderness

I don't care what anyone says the 80's RULED!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Alphaville - Forever Young

classic 80's

Sunday, May 11, 2008


Happy Mother's day to the greatest mom and grandma EVER!!! Thanks for teaching me so are a great example of love, service and sacrifice! You always put others BEFORE yourself. You are a great cook and keep an immaculate house, you're a great decorator, and have taught me to be FRUGAL! You are funny, adventurous and are fun to be around. You are so good to my kids and I can't thank you enough for that. I love you SO much! I couldn't ask for a better mom.
Love, Nik

Dear Sheila, Happy Mother's day. You are one of the most thoughtful and caring people I know. Thanks for being my second mom. Love, Ben

Dear Grandma, Happy Mother's Day. You are the best grandma in my whole life! I can't wait until we go to see you next year. Love, Parker

"I wuv you Gwama", from Tanner


Mom, What a great day to pay tribute to my wonderful mother. I have so many fond memories growing up with you as my mother. I love you as a mother, friend, and woman. Thank you for all that you've sacrificed for me.....I love you so much and am honored to call you my mother.
ps Thanks for growing up with me!

Dear Grams, hope you've had a great day and that Gramps has treated you like a queen. Love you so much, Happy Mother's Day!! Love Rob

grams i hope you have the best mothers day ever. you are the best grams in the world and you are always there for our family and i am so glad you are apart of my life i love you so much and you will always be a huge part of my life. happy mothers day

grandma i love you so much! so do so much for the family and for me. i love hanging out with you and i wish we could do it more. i love you so much grams!! miss you. happy mothers day

Happy Mother's Day!

Thanks for all you do. You are the BEST. We love and appreciate you more than you know.
Love, Rick, Michelle & Boys

The Best grandma EVER.....meets us at Disneyland!

Disneyland Fall 2007!

Puyallup Fair Fall 2007!