Monday, January 5, 2009

Our baby is a Sunbeam!

I have to admit that I was a little sad to have my youngest child in Primary yesterday. It was more weird than anything. No more nursery for us...we're done with babies YAHOOOO! Now if we could just keep him from growing older than 3. We love 3 year olds!


Bennett Family said...

ours too and how sad i didn't get a SINGLE PICTURE. :(
i totally got choked up when i took him in there but after he proceeded to cry for 30 minutes i got over it pretty quick! :)
lvoe you.

Megan said...

What a cute little sunbeam! It cracked me up to see all his batman stuff from Christmas. Santa brought Nate the batcave too, love that toy!

Christy Ivory said...

Hey Michelle,
I also felt the same way about my little Daniel.. It's so sad to see them so little sitting up there on the front row. It's also really cute.
Hope all is going well with your family.. Your little kiddo's are so cute!!!

Sharie McCraney said...

He's so handsome. He grew up so fast! I think I'm taking a break from facebook. I get nausea every time I log on. Blogging makes me feel better. Have a good day! I miss you.

Christy Ivory said...

What a cute little sunbeam. My little Dan is also a sunbeam. Isn't it a little sad to leave them in there?? The seats look so big.LOL...Well, It's been a while. How are you? You family looks adorable.. How is everything??
Oh...Iv'e been meaning to tell you that my private blog is moving a little slow. I haven't had the time to sit down and figure it out. I'll let you know when I do. Hope all is well. Christy