Saturday, September 22, 2007

B-Randon is on his way!!!

Our wonderful trip to the south is coming to and end. We leave South
Carolina tomorrow, but not until we have the blessing of witnessing
Brandon's last two baptisms in the morning. We have met some real
special people here and will remember this experience forever. We
look forward to seeing everyone soon!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Oh yeah 1 more thing

U2 is the greatest band of all time. Just FYIk for all your U2 needs


hey everyone I finally figured out how to get on this thing! Yeah, I'm not too bright but we all knew that already right? Everything is going good in Houston at the moment. Well actually its not! My job sucks and the news about Cory was pretty devestating, at least to Charisse and I. Cory has been a real trouper and very responsible and it taking it all in stride. I'm working on avenues to improve the job situation right now. One of the options could have us moving to Dallas which Cory and I are very excited about, Charisse and Madie not so much! Dallas is much more upscale, better weather and not quite so Redneck. Its alot like Bellevue but with better weather! I'll keep you posted on the progress!

BYU football is off to yet another dissapointing start at 1-2. They totally gave away the game to UCLA and Tulsa. After over 20 years of cheering for this team I've come to notice that BYU will seldom lose to a team because the team outright beats them but because they give the game away like only BYU can do! I am going to Vegas next month to watch them play UNLV. They play in Seattle next year against the Huskies so I may make the trip for that. UW has a great QB and they will be awesome next year which does not bode well for my Cougars.

Hope you are all doing well and I'm looking forward to seeing you all for Brandons homecoming!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

B-Randon Reports...

I wanted to inform y'all of my new email address. It is no longer, and is now I have nowconcluded my mission, and am now touring with my mom and dad. I have really enjoyed my time out in the field and am looking forward to my arrival back in Washington. Thank you again for all of your support and love as I served in South Carolina. I will inform you when I recieve a new telephone number. Keep in touch. Brandon (AKA Elder Pollard)

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Welcome Home Elder Pollard!!!

This has been one of the best days for Christy and I. What a great experience seeing the growth in all the missionaries as they shared their testimonies, thoughts and feelings about the Savior. Listening to our own son was so amazing and wonderful. Both Christy & I left the testimony meeting tonight filled with so much gratitude for our experience. We love this gospel so much and the people here in the south are so nice. What a great day, and my favorite Birthday ever!!See you soon! Rob & Christy, proud parents of a homebound Missionary.


Monday, September 17, 2007


Sorry Rob...this was the best (and ONLY) picture I had of you!

Happy Birthday to you...Happy Birthday to you...Happy Birthday dear Charisse (9/6), Rob (9/18) and Madie (9/24)...Happy Birthday to you!!! WE LOVE YOU!!!

Sunday, September 16, 2007


Okay guys....I thought it would be fun to start a family blogspot to keep up on our comings and goings. Everyone can post here any time! Here are a few photos of recent family fun...

Bennett's, Willey's and even GRAMS had a great time "Doin' the Puyallup!" last week.

Cousin Coaster...

Lovin' the Lollipops!
Motorcycle Madness...BALLS!
Bennetts and Willeys enjoyed a fun Saturday at the "FAMILY FUN CENTER"...For the record: Parker & Niki won Rick & Ethan in the goKart race. Rick blamed it on a faulty car.Gorge! Parker picked flowers off the golf course. At least it was for a worthy cause!
This past weekend we (mom, dad, Rick, Niki, Christy & Rob) enjoyed going to "Outback" for dinner and to the adult session of Stake conference. We also had a delicious Sunday dinner (spaghetti and taco salad) at mom and dad's after the morning session. Rob & Christy leave tomorrow morning to meet Brandon...EXCITING TIMES! Doug and Charisse we miss you and the kids and are excited to see Doug & Cory next week. Cory, we hope you're doing well and taking care of yourself! Love you all! Have a great week!!!