Wednesday, April 16, 2008

What is it with Boys and Sticks?

Everywhere we go Ethan and Evan are collecting "sticks"

I find them in the washer, their bedrooms, their drawers etc.

I better start checking their jean pockets before they get washed!

Sunnier Days!

I was looking thru some picures and actually found some when it is actually sunny here!
(AMAZING! hugh?)
we're getting pretty anxious for summer (not Spring b/c Spring is cold and rainy also here)

Monday, April 14, 2008


What is that number you ask?
That is the number of words Austin has read since the beginning of the school year.
That is based on the reading comprehension tests he has taken.
500 (What is that number?) The number of words Michelle might have read sine the beginning of the school year! (haha)

Sunday, April 13, 2008



I just wanted to let you all know that Madie's dance season is over and boy are we tired. Her team won Nationals and she was second runner up for her solo. She danced against 71 girls and she is so happy. I thought I'd share her good news. I hope all is well with your family.


Here are some pictures of Madie at her dance banquet! Hope all is well with you and your families!!!!! Miss you guys
