Sunday, January 6, 2008

New Church Time

We start the 3:00 time slot today! If there is a worse time I don't know what it is! GROSS! I also start my new calling as Co-teacher for the 9 year olds in Sr. Primary. I'm going to miss the 15/16 year olds. I've been that teacher for 5 years! My first class are all on their missions now. I'm old!


Rick and Michelle said...

That is the WORST time for sure. We had that once before. It's dark when you get out! (at least here) We're so glad we just moved to 9:00from 1:00. THANK GODNESS for Evan's sake.

ben bennett said...

are you KIDDING me? never heard of such a thing. that stinks. half your ward asleep by the time its over?

love ya.

ps...congrats on keeping a calling for so long. i never seem to last more than about 12-18 mo's. all well.